This photo is an old Joan Baez poster with her sisters. I love it. Everything about it. Especially Joan Baez.
You know those "some days" that you can sit and look at beautiful things for hours on end and never get bored? Im having one of those days. Today, I planned on posting this AMAZING meal I had last night. Which I will do...eventually.
Right now, I have pretty girls, vintage hats, french movies and lacy things in my head. How do you stop this from happening?
I've been re watching Pierrot le fou, directed by Jean-Luc Godard. I love every outfit both of them wear, especially Anna Karina. What a great movie. Next on my list is Une femme est une femme.
I must do an entire post on Anna Karina. I could post about a million photos of this beautiful creature.
"Life is very sad, but always beautiful." - Ferdinand, Pierrot le fou

This ChloƩ dress is wonderful. Enormously delicate, without looking uncomfortably pretty. As ChloƩ usually does. Think about it with a big floppy hat, right?

For the rest of the afternoon I will be laying on a french beach with Anna Karina in floppy hats, hiding from the police, of course.
SPEAKING OF AWESOME MEALS - I made your quinoa dish last nite for friends and everyone GUSHED about it! It was a major hit. I love it more every time I eat it! kbgnc